Leading Change . . .
Change is Hard. Living With the Problem is Hard.
Choose Your Hard. A Small Band of Healthcare
Professionals Are Making a Difference. We Celebrate Them
People Solutions for Employer Groups Large and Small
Moving Away from Carrier Control
The real difference between self-insured plans and fully-insured plans, comes down to this. The BUCAH’s (Blue Cross/Shield, United Healthcare, Cigna, Aetna, and Humana) control your fully-insured plan 100%; administration, claims payments, etc. They are huge publicly traded companies that answer to Wall Street and/or shareholders. Their interests are not aligned with yours.
The large health insurance brokerage houses rely on overrides and bonuses from them for much of their income, in addition to commissions. When the BUCAH’s raise your rates, their commission goes up, because it’s based on a percentage of total premium. Why ruin a good thing?!
There is little to no transparency, whether you have a good year or a bad year they keep 100% of your premium. And no one in this equation has any incentive to change things. These things are true regardless of their online and print advertising
Transforming Health Benefits Administration
Archer Jordan is bold enough to suggest constant price increases and a lack of quality care doesn’t have to be the fate of your employer health plan.
Plan Design
Care Management
Price Protection
Enhanced with AI
Claim Management

Reference Based Pricing 2.0 =
Value Based Pricing “VBP”
What separates Archer Jordan Health’s Value-Based Pricing “VBP”, cost containment strategies from other TPA’s Reference-Based Pricing “RBP”? We reduce cost and simultaneously increase quality and service which exponentially compounds value.

These questions represent low-hanging fruit, to establish a lower cost basis, high quality delivery, a faster more efficient service model, with greater healthcare value
Am I paying for providers that are not being utilized?
Is the medical management strategy poslitioned to maximize engagement, align members with their providers and focused on the entire care contiuum?
Do I have the best possible deal with the local healthcare provider?
Who is getting paid? Who Pays them? How much are they being paid in deploying my employee health benefits strategy?
All functions operate on the same IT Platform which creates a seamlesss end-to-end approach. One phone number to call.

Non-integrated third-party technology systems try to tie all vendors together. Multiple phone numbers needed to reach different services

Changing the Status Quo




Reduced Stop-Loss

Plan Asset

Maximized Plan
Average Year
One Savings
Care Navigation &

Message From Our Founder
Visionary companies see their way forward with strength, integrity, and unity. It is only where individuals sharing a common goal band together that greatness is found. My personal guarantee is that we at Archer Jordan, will always give 100% of ourselves, as a company and as individuals, to love your people, to protect your hard work, save you money and make your jobs easier.
I would be remiss if I did not mention our thoughts and prayers are with you, your people, and our entire community, as we all navigate through the challenging times we live in. We are grateful for the prospect of being of service to your company and your people.
With respect, James Frederick Jordan
Founder/Managing Member
Archer Jordan Health
“Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing that you have received–only what you have given.”
― Francis of Assisi